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Specializes in production, research and development of electricpower fittings and equipments

Enterprise Video

Founded in 2o13, China Grid Power Technology Co., Ltd lies in the southern coastal city of China-Fuzhou City, Fujian Province with the registered capital of RMB71,800,000 Yuan. As one innovative technology-oriented enterprise that specializes in production, research and development of electricpower fittings and equipments, we invariably insist on the principle of self-motivation, innovation, quality and high efficiency to shape the vigorous entreprenurship and aspiring core value. Through having a foothold on self-advantage in technology...

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Product Summary

Cable Fitting and Clamp,Generating Power Fitting,Suspension Fitting,Strain Clamp...


  • substation

  • lighting

  • residence

  • Transmission

  • substation

    Founded in 2o13, China Grid Power Technology Co., Ltd lies in the southern coastal city of China-Fuzhou City, Fujian Province with the registered capital of RMB71,800,000 Yuan. As one innovative technology-oriented enterprise that specializes in production, research and development of electricpower fittings and equipments, we invariably insist on the principle of self-motivation, innovation, quality and high efficiency to shape the vigorous entreprenurship and aspiring core value. Through having a foothold on self-advantage in technology...
  • lighting

    Founded in 2o13, China Grid Power Technology Co., Ltd lies in the southern coastal city of China-Fuzhou City, Fujian Province with the registered capital of RMB71,800,000 Yuan. As one innovative technology-oriented enterprise that specializes in production, research and development of electricpower fittings and equipments, we invariably insist on the principle of self-motivation, innovation, quality and high efficiency to shape the vigorous entreprenurship and aspiring core value. Through having a foothold on self-advantage in technology...
  • residence

    Founded in 2o13, China Grid Power Technology Co., Ltd lies in the southern coastal city of China-Fuzhou City, Fujian Province with the registered capital of RMB71,800,000 Yuan. As one innovative technology-oriented enterprise that specializes in production, research and development of electricpower fittings and equipments, we invariably insist on the principle of self-motivation, innovation, quality and high efficiency to shape the vigorous entreprenurship and aspiring core value. Through having a foothold on self-advantage in technology...
  • Transmission

    Founded in 2o13, China Grid Power Technology Co., Ltd lies in the southern coastal city of China-Fuzhou City, Fujian Province with the registered capital of RMB71,800,000 Yuan. As one innovative technology-oriented enterprise that specializes in production, research and development of electricpower fittings and equipments, we invariably insist on the principle of self-motivation, innovation, quality and high efficiency to shape the vigorous entreprenurship and aspiring core value. Through having a foothold on self-advantage in technology...


Specializes in production, research and development of electricpower fittings and equipments


Inside Road & Administration Industry & Trading Garden,Houshan Industry Area,Fuzhou City,Fujian Province

0591-22806687 0591-22806697




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0591-22806687 0591-22806697
Inside Road & Administration Industry & Trading
      Garden,Houshan Industry Area,Fuzhou City,Fujian Province
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