DX Preformed Ground Suspension Fulcrum Clamp for Galvanized Iron Wire Stranded

Classification:Preformed Suspension Set

Inside Road & Administration Industry & Trading Garden,Houshan Industry Area,Fuzhou City,Fujian Province

0591-22806687 0591-22806697




Preformed armor grip suspension clamp has the similar function as normal suspension clamp. It is used as the suspension of conductor and grounding wire, but preformed suspension clamps can not only protect the conductors but also reduce corona discharge greatly because of its smooth appearance. So It is specially suitable for high voltage over 220KV lines. Preformed armor grip suspension clamp is designed to reduce the static and dynamic stresses at the support point and is superior to armor clamp combinations for protecting conductors from bending, compression stress and abrasion. In addition the armor grip suspension double assembly is suitable for long transmission line over river and big line angle between 30 and 60.

Material: Aluminum clad steel wire or galvanized steel wire.

According to function and applicable area, it can be divided into:

Preformed conductor suspension clamp

Preformed grounding wire armor grip suspension clamp

Preformed armor grip suspension single assembly

Preformed armor grip suspension double assembly

Preformed suspension clamps are composed by preformed wire, rubber pad, metal sheath, fixed blade, bolt nut and washers. Normally the preformed armor grip suspension clamps will be assembled with socket clevis, link plate and other clevis.

Industry Standard Type Enterprise Standard Model Applicable Conductor Diameter
Clamp Length
Failing Load
Min Max
CL-1/G DX5410 6.90 7.20 660 40/80
CL-1/GS DX5910 960
CL-4/G DX5411 7.72 8.01 660 40/80
CL-4/GS DX5911 960
CL-6/G DX5412 8.32 8.69 660 40/80
CL-6/GS DX5912 960
CL-7/G DX5413 8.70 9.03 660 40/80
CL-7/GS DX5913 960
CL-9/G DX5414 9.53 9.89 660 40/80
CL-9/GS DX5914 960
CL-10/G DX5415 9.90 10.27 900 50/100
CL-10/GS DX5914 1220
CL-11/G DX5416 10.28 10.62 900 50/100
CL-11/GS DX5914 1220
CL-12/G DX5417 10.63 11.03 900 50/100
CL-12/GS DX5917 1220
CL-13/G DX5418 11.04 11.43 900 70/140
CL-13/GS DX5918 1220
CL-15/G DX5419 11.96 12.22 900 70/140
CL-15/GS DX5919 1220
CL-16/G DX5420 12.23 12.70 1143 70/140
CL-16/GS DX5920 1440

1. DT/L763-2001 standard model C-tension clamp, L-bolt preformed; "-" is the applicable conductor type.

2. The raw material of the preformed wire tensile clamp for steel core aluminum stranded wire is galvanized steel wire.

3. DX51xx is a single-point product, and DX56xx is a double-point product.

4. Only some products are listed in the table. Please contact us for other specifications.

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0591-22806687 0591-22806697
Inside Road & Administration Industry & Trading
      Garden,Houshan Industry Area,Fuzhou City,Fujian Province
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